1. What’s wrong with you?
Is this a rhetorical question? How are we supposed to answer this? Is this where we admit our weird habits and behaviours? Hmmmm, Where do I start? Do you want me to open Pandora’s box? If this comment was a physical item it would be a boxing glove! Making us question who we are and beat ourselves up. It’s pretty offensive and it confuses me. 

2. But?!…………..you’re gorgeous/pretty/beautiful (delete as appropriate)

Having a partner isn’t based on looks alone. Well not for most people. So it’s a bit of a shallow statement to make. And again how are we meant to answer this? Although it is nice to hear that some people think my face is arranged in a pleasant way. Definitely not helpful. Actually………….it’s a lovely compliment and I’m not hearing it from the single guys so this one can stay out of room 101! Okay, go on – you can lavish me with compliments!

3. Mr right is just round the corner. 
As I said in my intro post. ‘My year of vulnerability’. Which fucking corner? The same people that throw this comment around will then say “I told you so” if/when it happens. No matter how long the time is that they’ve said it. It’s basically like me saying – it’s going to snow. And then 9 months later it does and I say “I told you so” – in a smug, I may become a tarot reader, kind of way. 

4. As soon as you stop looking you’ll find him.  

Most single girls I know are not constantly on the lookout for a relationship every waking hour. We do things like go to work,  spend time with friends & family, party, shop, go on holiday, wash our hair etc. Basically getting on with life. I have gone years without scouring bars, getting thumb ache from swiping right (that’s Tinder speak to those of you not in the know) – I haven’t always ‘been looking’. To which I then get told – well maybe you should look. Confusion has set in again! Which one is it? Is there a perfect ratio that has passed me by? If so – send it my way! 

5. Relationships are not all they’re cracked up to be. 

We know that what you see on the surface of relationships isn’t always what’s going on. Closed doors not only hold the funny and romantic times. They hide heartache, quarrels, insecurities and silence. Plus – every relationship is different. We’ve been in relationships before and know that they don’t solve all our problems. You take the bad with the good. Why wouldn’t we want the good? 


list rant over. I know that these comments aren’t said in malice and are often said from the heart to help comfort us. At times they do – especially if we’re going through a recent break up. But as the years go by and we’d be rich if we had a pound for every time we heard one of these – they can be a little bit grating. 

Bonus statement

6. If I was a guy, I’d date you! 
Said by slurring drunk girl mates. As sweet as it is. You’re not. So it’s a moo point (one for Friend’s fans). You can stop kissing my neck now…………

This post, although my true feelings, is written in jest. So if people do want to make these statements, that’s totally fine. But as I’m a girl that is open minded and loves advice – how about giving me a suggestion of places decent guys hang out, setting me up with someone or just forgetting that I’m single and having a regular conversation. I’m reasonably well read so have a number of topics we can talk about. 

Note: this all goes out of the window if I’m moaning asking “Why am I single?” – then you can revert to comments 2 and 3! Oh go on then – 6 too!

Emma x

p.s. If you have a certain comment that you’re tired of hearing. Please share for the giggles 😊

Instagram: @emmalouhalliday
Twitter: @boomerhalliday