I received an email this morning from WordPress.com wishing me a happy anniversary. I have officially had my blog for a year.


So to celebrate I upgraded my account and changed the name. After a lot of deliberation I decided to go with ‘This Vulnerable Life’ as it was the very first name I thought about and kept coming back to.

The name change – including domain name www.thisvulnerablelife.com is currently the only thing on the blog that has changed but over time I will start to add my magic to it and have sections and themes and I plan to interview other people on how they embrace being vulnerable.

The celebrations didn’t stop there as I had a conversation with my housemate which went a little like this:

  • Me: “Pal” (we’re from Yorkshire, UK. This is how we speak)
  • Chels: “Yeah Pal?”
  • Me: “Will you do me a favour and take a photo of me with my underwear on, surrounded by my books? A bit like that film American Beauty” (pic below)
  • Chels: “Yeah course pal”
  • Me: “Cheers Mate”

Bloody love this girl loads. No further questions asked.


In my head it seemed like a good idea but as I was there, lying on my floor surrounded by books, looking naked, I thought “What the fuck am I doing?” and “Is this weird?” and “People are going to think I’m so vain or a show-off” 

Then I remembered why I was doing it in the first place. To be more vulnerable. Doh! I’d just bought a domain name to continue on my quest. Plus I love books. I want to love my body more. And do things that I love regardless of what people think.

Loads of photos later and I present you with my version of the classic photo:


I had an ace evening doing this, per bonding time with my Bow Bird. I’m bloody proud of being a bookworm and the books that I’ve read over the past few years and all the books I’m going to read.

Year 2 of living vulnerably has started with a bang – this is the most nervous I’ve been in a while before publishing a post but it’s time to ramp it up!.

Thanks to everyone who has followed me on my journey so far – 2018 is going to be a good one.

Big loves.

Emma x